How To Choose A Topic To Launch Your Online Course
Picking a course topic is one of the most challenging & difficult tasks for the course creators. We all have different capabilities & talents but creating a course on a particular topic is no less than a herculean task, right?
This is one of the most challenging yet significant decisions for online course creators. If you are an experienced teacher or entrepreneur then it would not be difficult for you to choose or switch your niche but if you are starting out then you might feel overwhelmed. While starting out you won’t even have any competitors. Therefore, even the competitor’s research is not possible.
You have to find out what problems or challenges you love to solve on a day-to-day basis?
Finding the answer to this question can help you to choose your course niche.
In this blog, I will share a step-by-step process on ‘how you can choose your online course niche’.
Once you finalize your course topic, choose an LMS platform too. You can pick Spayee. It is an amazing platform for creators to create, market & sell their courses.
Steps to choose a topic for your online course
1- Knowledge
Firstly, figure out what you are good at doing?
What is something that you can teach repeatedly without getting bored?
Identify the problems that you can solve through your knowledge.
For instance, if you are a makeup artist and you know how to teach it to others. You have also done certification courses in your niche. Since you are a professional makeup artist, it will become easy for you to teach it to others as well. It is good if you are an experienced person but it is not compulsory.
2- Passion
While starting anything new whether it is a job or a business, passion is the key that would keep you going. If you are not passionate, you will not be able to sustain your business during tough times. If you are passionate about what you are doing then the chances of closing it down are almost zero.
Passion is the component that fuels your knowledge as it keeps the curiosity alive in you to experiment & learn new things.
Hence, you should choose a topic that ignites the spark within your soul. During the initial days of your online institute, you might not get lots of enrollments & leads & at that time your passion will not let you back out.
3- Market
Create a course on the topic that people are talking about. Join Facebook groups of your similar niche. Ask questions & see what other people think about launching a course. You can also search about it on quora.
People will invest in your course only if they will find it valuable & useful. So, before creating the course, conduct market research. Figure out whether people would be interested in your online course or not.
4- Identify your target audience
Before creating your online course make sure you know whom you are going to sell your course to.
For instance, if you are a nutritionist & you are launching a course on diet & nutrition. You have to decide whether your course is for men, women or both.
Secondly, you have to identify why they want to learn about food & nutrition. Whether they want to lose some weight or they want to start their own classes.
Therefore, when you understand your audience it will become easy for you to alter your course as per their preferences.
If you have already chosen your online course topic then what are you waiting for? Sign up on Spayee, create your course & launch it.
Also Read: How to promote your coaching institute