There are so many numbers of applications to be downloaded
When it comes for an android phone there are so many applications which can be downloaded in lots of number. There is a separate application called play store which contains four division like Application, games, newsstand, movies, and books. These functions can be made according to their own functions, because they have given a feature like if you want to download any applications you should select apps category and search any application you want through this option. Whereas as same as like this if you want games you should go into games and download any games you want, likewise for movies, books and news also.
There is a category called APPS which will provide all the applications to be connected with player, you can download songs, cut the songs, merge your songs etc., there are so many applications which makes you to chat, play, communicate, market etc. Even study and mind game related apps also available. Many “How-to” apps are also available like How To Make The Best Paper Airplane which will make young generations to develop their creative skills.
Few apps for download:
Chat application:
This is an application which makes all the people to stay connected and they also can share their pictures to each other, videos, link and other which make them feel like they are always together always. This application is very popular towards all the people internationally because even we can stay connected to a person who lives in aboard the only thing we need is their phone number to stay connected always. This gives people feel like they are together always and every time.
The functions don’t have any formalities to create the account they can simply register it with their name and phone number. Even we can stay protected because people may use our phone numbers in a wrong way so that if we want to be protected we can make us protective by locking our profile so that no one can see our account other than people in our contacts. If you feel some contacts are really disturbing you can block them and be usual.
There are more number of games in this Google play application whereas we can download any game and if you are playing it when you are free, some games will make you additive and they will becomes our favorite pastime. Once you become additive you will never do other works instead of that you will sit with the game for almost half a day which means till you achieve your goals. Some of the apps for download are also there to function more.